Certification Levels

Candidates for PFLM™ certification have significant knowledge of anatomy and have the following educational and/or professional credentials: DC; ND; MD; RMT; PT; OT; DO; DDS; ATC (Athletic Training) . They will complete the online training and successfully pass the testing at the end of each module. An official Performance for Life Method™ Provider Certificate will be issued.

Level I – On Line (9 Hours)

  • The language of assessment
  • History of PFLM™
  • The theory of Global Mechanical Assessment
  • The theory of Reciprocal Limb Syndrome
  • Assessment / diagnosis /strategies paradigm
  • The management strategies paradigm

What are the benefits of Level I certification?

  • Inclusion in our worldwide referral database and eligible for PFLM™ Level II Program
  • Eligibility for ongoing training (repeat seminars, specialty training, symposiums, etc.)
  • Eligible for Performance for Life Illuminated ( PFLI™), a monthly membership program,  which keeps you current with new research, advanced global thinking strategies,  case studies and answers ongoing questions submitted by practitioners (moderated by Dr. Downes) Participation in the monthly membership program may be CE eligible in some states.

What are the yearly requirements for maintaining PFLM™ Level 1 certification and status in our provider database?
Ongoing training through PFLI™ or Online attendance at an annual update symposium on PFLM™

Level II – Hands on Workshops (10 Hours)

  • The practical demonstration of GMA for your discipline
  • The practical application of GMA for your discipline
  • Certification in the assessment / management strategies paradigm
  • Qualified for enrollment in PFLM™ facilities network

Level III – Invitation, Application , Appointment

  • Regional Resource Leadership
  • Discipline specific
  • Educational Opportunities
  • Research Opportunities
  • Speakers Bureau Membership
  • Publication Opportunities


Level I in the Performance For Life Method™ is 9+ hours/notes and reference documentation for $1295 USD

Installment Payment Options Available in 3 equal monthly payments of $465USD**

Level I is an online training program, taken at your convenience with a 3 month course window. Taught personally by founder, Dr. John Downes, it is presented in a stress free, detailed and entertaining online and powerpoint format. This versatile platform allows you complete control of your teaching environment and is presented in an easy to assimilate fashion.

For certification* you will complete the testing at the end of each module of Level I.

Passing test scores will advance you to the next module.

Online Continuing Education Credits are currently available for DCs in the following states.

  • Arizona
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • District of Columbia
  • Georgia
  • Idaho
  • Illinois
  • Iowa
  • Michigan
  • Montana
  • Nebraska
  • New Mexico
  • Oregon
  • Rhode Island
  • South Carolina
  • Utah
  • Vermont
  • Washington

** Installment payment options require manual provisioning of your access on our part, and may require up to 2 business days. You will be notified by email that your order has been received and is being provisioned.
Pricing for Level II and involvement in Level III will be posted as dates/time become available.